The Impact of Extreme Weather on Asphalt Pavement

The Impact of Extreme Weather on Asphalt Pavement

The Impact of Extreme Weather on Asphalt Pavement


Asphalt pavement is a ubiquitous feature of modern life, with the vast majority of roads and parking lots in the United States being made of this durable material. However, asphalt is not immune to the ravages of nature, especially extreme weather events that can cause significant damage to the pavement and shorten its lifespan. In this blog post, we will explore the effects of extreme weather on asphalt pavement and what you can do to protect your investment.


1. Heat

Extreme heat can cause asphalt pavement to soften and deform, leading to potholes, cracks, and other forms of damage. This is particularly true in regions that experience prolonged heat waves, such as the American Southwest. To protect your pavement from heat damage, it is important to ensure there is proper drainage and that the pavement is sealed and maintained regularly.

2. Cold

Extreme cold, such as that experienced in the Midwest and Northeast during the winter months, can also cause significant damage to asphalt pavement. When water freezes and expands, it can cause cracks and potholes in the pavement, which can worsen over time. To prevent cold weather damage, it is essential to keep your pavement clean and well-maintained, and to sealcoat the surface before the arrival of winter.

3. Heavy Rain

Heavy rainfall events can quickly overwhelm drainage systems and cause significant damage to asphalt pavement. Standing water can seep into cracks and cause the pavement to deteriorate, while erosion can wash away the supporting soil underneath the pavement. To prevent rain damage, regular drainage maintenance is key, as well as ensuring that your pavement is properly graded and sloped to prevent standing water.

4. Wind

While often overlooked, high winds can also cause damage to asphalt pavement. Debris carried by strong winds can scratch and scuff the surface of the pavement, while sustained gusts can cause potholes and other forms of damage. To protect your pavement from wind damage, it is important to remove any debris from the surrounding area, including nearby trees and bushes.

5. UV rays

The sun's UV rays can also cause damage to asphalt pavement over time. The UV rays can break down the binder that holds the pavement together, leading to cracks, potholes, and other forms of damage. To prevent UV damage, it is essential to sealcoat your pavement regularly, as well as ensuring that the surface is kept clean and free from debris.



Extreme weather events can cause significant damage to asphalt pavement, leading to costly repairs and premature replacement of the pavement. By being proactive and taking steps to protect your investment, such as regular maintenance, proper drainage, and sealcoating, you can prolong the lifespan of your pavement and save money in the long run. At The Seal Guys, we are experts in asphalt maintenance and repair, and we can help you keep your pavement in excellent condition. Contact us today for a free estimate on sealcoating services in Park Falls, WI, and let us help you protect your investment for years to come.

Save Money. Extend the life of your pavement.


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927 S 5th Ave, Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552

(715) 518-8802

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